7 comments on “Pick-Ups – Sega Genesis Arcade Power Stick

  1. Your wife is a treasure! Amusingly enough, I have a boxed Fighter Stick SG-6 (unused) here that somehow has never sold when I posted it on ebay in the past. I’ll most likely hang on to it, but we shall see…


  2. The funny thing was it was listed at about 7 or 8 dollars on my page for ages with no takers probably because of the shipping cost (which wasn’t a lot at all). Now, used ones go for double or triple that.


  3. What an amazing story! “It’s all I have” is a good trick, even if it isn’t true it make the seller believe you are really dying to get the item and will literally give all you have for it. I’ve probably fallen for it a few times when selling Pier Solar on expos :).


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